a diver watching fishes underwater

Whether you are a beginning diver or a seasoned pro, it is imperative to choose the correct scuba tank before going underwater on your own. After all, the right tank could prevent serious injury or even save your life. That said, a few factors go into selecting the right tank for a safe, fun dive. The size and pressure rating of your tank determine how long you can stay underwater. To help you choose a high-performance tank for your intended dives, we have reviewed the Luxfer Compact Brushed Aluminum 80 CF Tank 3300psi (Neutrally Buoyant) with Pro Valve. and compared it with a few other tanks on the market.

Larger tanks are usually better for longer dives, but smaller/shorter divers also need to consider how the size of the tank might inhibit their mobility. The air in a tank also has weight and contributes to diver buoyancy differently as the air releases. In addition to those considerations, divers need to evaluate tank valves for ease of use, safety, sustainability, and universality.

What Is the Luxfer Compact Brushed Aluminum 80 CF Tank 3300psi (Neutrally Buoyant) with Pro Valve?

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The Luxfer Compact Brushed Aluminum 80 CF Tank 3300psi (Neutrally Buoyant) with Pro Valve tank is most notable for maintaining negative buoyancy throughout the course of the dive. Additionally, it is a small, lightweight tank that still maintains high air pressure. This durable tank can withstand deeper dives with a dive supply around 80 cubic feet and is a well-rounded recreational tank for beginners and experienced divers, alike. Some suggest even using this tank for side mount diving.

Product Specs

The Luxfer Compact Brushed Aluminum 80 CF Tank 3300psi (Neutrally Buoyant) with Pro Valve tank is manufactured from high strength aluminum alloy 6061-T6 in accordance with U.S. DOT 3AL and TC 3ALM requirements. While steel cylinders are more resistant to external damage, they are more inclined toward internal corrosion. Aluminum tanks typically amass more external damage but are much more resistant to internal rust buildup. This high strength aluminum alloy attempts to bring more external durability to an internally resistant tank.

Aluminum tanks typically shift from negative to positive buoyancy, but this tank is designed to maintain negative buoyancy underwater throughout the course of your dive. This tank is -5.8 pounds buoyant when full and 0.0 pounds when empty. This means the diver will not need to account for positive buoyancy as the air tank empties near the end of the dive and they can easily stay submerged.

The max fill pressure of the Luxfer Compact Brushed Aluminum 80 CF Tank 3300psi (Neutrally Buoyant) with Pro Valve tank is a high 3300 PSI with a capacity of 80 cubic feet. (Tank pressures usually fall into one of 3 categories: low – 2400 to 2640 psi, standard – 3000 psi, or high – 3300 to 3500 psi). The tank, at 25.5 inches, is around 3 inches shorter than other standard tanks of its capacity, so it is a friendly tank for shorter users. It is also around 35lbs, making it easier to carry.

The Luxfer Compact Brushed Aluminum 80 CF Tank 3300psi (Neutrally Buoyant) with Pro Valve works well with both yoke and DIN attachments. The valve will be able to withstand the higher pressures of deeper dives because the O-ring is protected inside the end of the regulator. This tank comes with a current VIP sticker, fresh Hydro stamp, and Nitrox tank wrap, but purchasers need to specify if the tank is intended for Nitrox use upon purchase.


two women preparing to dive into the water

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The Luxfer Compact Brushed Aluminum 80 CF Tank 3300psi (Neutrally Buoyant) with Pro Valve is a moderately priced tank at around $200 – $300. It can easily be purchased from Amazon or similar marketplaces.

How It Compares

[amazon box=”B00H7H120G, B01L6TM6WI, B007BH5UIM, B004E5J66G” template=”table”]

We picked a few similar products available on the market to see how they compare to the Luxfer Compact Brushed Aluminum 80 CF Tank 3300psi (Neutrally Buoyant) with Pro Valve. We have provided 1-1 breakdowns of the tanks’ specs, including price, ease of use, assembly time, design quality, and general pros and cons for each of the following tanks:

Luxfer Compact Brushed Aluminum 80 CF Tank 3300psi (Neutrally Buoyant) with Pro Valve.

[amazon box=”B00H7H120G”]

Price Approximation


This is a moderately priced tank between $200 and $300.


The Luxfer Compact Brushed Aluminum 80 CF Tank 3300psi (Neutrally Buoyant) with Pro Valve is designed with aluminum durability in mind, preserving both the interior and the traditionally weaker exterior.

Dive Time and Depth

This tank is durable and meets most recreational needs, but will not always suit longer dives.


The Luxfer Compact Brushed Aluminum 80 CF Tank 3300psi (Neutrally Buoyant) with Pro Valve tank is a top-notch design for most diving, but does not meet all diving needs. Pros may still opt for a steel tank to get as many years out of the tank as possible.

Overall Design Quality

The Luxfer Compact Brushed Aluminum 80 CF Tank 3300psi (Neutrally Buoyant) with Pro Valve is compact, lightweight, and rust-resistant. All things considered, it is an easy tank to use.


  • Designed to maintain negative buoyancy
  • Specially manufactured aluminum alloy for durability
  • Reduced internal corrosion
  • Small and lightweight
  • High-pressure tank
  • Okay for Nitrox use
  • Moderate price


  • Aluminum is usually less durable than steel
  • The smaller tank will run out of air sooner even with its high-pressure rating

Iorman Universal Composite Cylinder

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The Iorman Universal Composite Cylinder tank is also small and has a high air pressure rating, maxing out at 4500psi service pressure. The uniquely shaped aluminum tank is wrapped with carbon and glass fiber to improve the external durability of the tank. If you read the product details on Amazon, this sounds like the tank of choice for MacGyver and is best suited for more advanced divers.

Price Approximation


This is the most expensive scuba tank on our list, priced between $400 and $500.


The Iorman Universal Composite Cylinder tank is aluminum wrapped in carbon fiber and glass fiber, fitted with a high-pressure cylinder valve. It is entirely durable. In fact, this tank has a service life of 15 years and a surprising 3-year inspection cycle.

Dive Time and Depth

The Iorman Universal Composite Cylinder tank is made to go deep and keep the diver under for a long time with its high-pressure capacity and small size – enabling the diver to double up on tanks if desired.


This tank meets almost all diver needs, but may be a little heavy-duty for novices. Furthermore, this tank is an international brand with no VIP sticker or Hydro stamp.

Overall Design Quality

The Iorman Universal Composite Cylinder tank is highly durable, made for long, deep dives, can withstand impact, and is very lightweight.


  • Very durable
  • Made for long dive times
  • Reduced internal corrosion
  • Small and exceedingly lightweight
  • Very high-pressure tank
  • CCS/CE certified


  • Not suggested for beginners
  • Not listed for Nitrox use
  • VIP sticker and Hydro stamp not included
  • Rather pricey

Sea Pearls 80 Aluminum Scuba Diving Air Tank 3000 PSI Thermo Pro Vavle VA200-30N Nitrox Ready-Yellow

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The Sea Pearls 80 Aluminum Scuba Diving Air Tank 3000 PSI Thermo Pro Vavle VA200-30N Nitrox Ready-Yellow boasts visibility with its bright yellow finish – perfect for dives in murky water. This is another lightweight aluminum tank (about 30 pounds) that is very safe to use, with an updated VIP sticker and a Hydro stamp. It is highly beginner-friendly, but only maintains an air pressure capacity of 3,000 PSI – the lowest capacity on our list though still a relatively high pressure in general and standard for rental tanks.

Price Approximation


This is the least expensive tank on our list, on the market for around $150 – $200.


Like the Luxfer Compact Brushed Aluminum 80 CF Tank 3300psi (Neutrally Buoyant) with Pro Valve, the Sea Pearls 80 Aluminum Scuba Diving Air Tank 3000 PSI Thermo Pro Valve VA200-30N Nitrox Ready-Yellow is aluminum. However, it maintains only a standard pressure rating and is not specifically designed to prevent external damage.

Dive Time and Depth

This tank is a great standard tank, but not made to sustain deep or long dives.


While the Sea Pearls 80 Aluminum Scuba Diving Air Tank 3000 PSI Thermo Pro Vavle VA200-30N Nitrox Ready-Yellow tank is not made for intensive dives, the K-valve is simple to use and much more efficient.

Overall Design Quality

The Sea Pearls 80 Aluminum Scuba Diving Air Tank 3000 PSI Thermo Pro Vavle VA200-30N Nitrox Ready-Yellow is ideal for beginners with its simplicity, high-visibility, light weight, and corrosion-resistant interior. It is an easy tank to use, but will not last under extreme conditions and will give the user positive buoyancy resistance toward the end of a dive.


  • Great for beginners
  • Small and lightweight
  • Aluminum tanks reduce internal corrosion
  • Standard pressure tank
  • Low price


  • Aluminum is usually less durable than steel
  • The smaller tank will run out of air sooner
  • Simple K-valve is not always suitable for deeper dives/high pressures
  • Not made to maintain neutral buoyancy

80 CF Scuba Dive Tank Faber Blue Steel Hp 3442 psi New

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Our final comparison tank, the 80 Cf Scuba Dive Tank Faber Blue Steel Hp 3442 psi New, is another smaller sized tank at a tiny 20.7 inches and 28.6 pounds (empty). In contrast to the other listed tanks, this one is steel rather than aluminum. To combat internal rust, it is made with a corrosion resistant finish called blue steel. With the second highest pressure rating on or list (3442 psi) and a negative buoyancy design, this tank will keep the diver submerged for a satisfying recreational dive. This tank is a DOT E-13488 specification. These tanks are not quite made for extreme dives, but are certainly among the most durable.

Price Approximation


While this tank is only the second highest priced scuba tank on our list, it is still a hefty $300 – $400.


Similar to the Luxfer Compact Brushed Aluminum 80 CF Tank 3300psi (Neutrally Buoyant) with Pro Valve tank, the 80 Cf Scuba Dive Tank Faber Blue Steel Hp 3442 psi New is designed with durability in mind. Our only caution to users is the risk of internal corrosion that steel tanks pose though the blue steel treatment reduces the risk of this.

Dive Time and Depth

This tank is competitive with a Luxfer Compact Brushed Aluminum 80 CF Tank 3300psi (Neutrally Buoyant) with Pro Valve, both out-performing the Sea Pearls 80 Aluminum Scuba Diving Air Tank 3000 PSI Thermo Pro Vavle VA200-30N Nitrox Ready-Yellow but not quite meeting the time and depth standards of the Iorman Universal Composite Cylinder tank.


This tank boasts versatility with its Pro Valve, high-pressure tanks compatible with any regulator Current Hydro, and Nitrox Compatibility. However, we would not recommend it for extreme dives.

Overall Design Quality

Faber is a top-selling international scuba brand. This tank is made to be used by anyone, anywhere, with a range of gear while maintaining negative buoyancy. It is lightweight, high-pressured and caters to steel-loving pros.


  • Designed to maintain negative buoyancy
  • Steel is incredibly durable against dents and impacts
  • Corrosion-resistant steel
  • Small and lightweight
  • High-pressure tank
  • Okay for Nitrox use
  • A base for easy roll-free storage


  • Internal corrosion is more likely
  • Higher price-point
  • The smaller tank may run out of air sooner even with its high-pressure rating


With high compression, lighter weight, durable aluminum, consistent buoyancy, and the reliable Pro Valve, the Luxfer Compact Brushed Aluminum 80 CF Tank 3300psi (Neutrally Buoyant) with Pro Valve is a beginner-friendly tank that will meet the needs of most divers at a price that won’t break the bank. All things considered, we give it a solid 4 stars – holding out that final star for a truly impressive tank that meets the most intense depth and time requirements.

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