If you want to have the ultimate diving or snorkeling experience, you need to get the right Seawing gear. Seawing fins may look funny and make you walk like a penguin, but they’re engineered to...
Category: Gear & Gadgets
Has the excitement for your next dive been tamperedby the fact that your wetsuit leaks? Is your range of motion more limited than you would like, especially when you’re underwater?...
Rolex is a name synonymous with success. Slipping the crown faced Rolex bracelet around your wrist can feel akin to finally earning the keys to a kingdom of your own personal legacy. Whether you are...
We can all agree that scuba diving is an exciting way to explore and enjoy the water. What’s not so exciting? Paying money to rent an extremely overused scuba wetsuit. Having your own scuba suit is...
Just about all divers use a wetsuit. However, with so many manufacturers employing subtly different designs and features, what you're getting or not getting at any one price point isn't always...
For many years, divers have relied on diving helmets to overcome the challenges of breathing and maintaining vision underwater. They are also crucial in protecting the head from injury and the...